
A Symbol of Luxury

Reza Fahlevi
6 min readApr 25, 2024
Photo by Nada on Unsplash

I think, every man would be agree that woman is the most beautiful creature whom ever exists in this world. It is true that the world has so much beauty, yet the existance of woman is something else; a man cannot compare woman’s beauty to the other ones — woman is a symbol of luxury.

I believe that words like “beautiful” or “gorgeous” would never be heard if woman never exist. We recognize those two words and the other terms which define something looks much more colorful or something feels like quiet, it is because the existance of its object. We know and are able to discribe a thing that is beuatiful because of the existance of the object — in this case a woman herself.

People describe differently toward the beauty of a woman. And we must be agree that the most luxurious one about woman is her body. Some men sometimes look at girl on how she looks like. It is normal since men is commonly a visual creature; whenever their eyes catch up something wondrous, they might certainly be amazed. So that is why a man would be difficult to keep his eyes away from seeing woman’s body; and one of it is breast.

It cannot be denied that breasts are one of the most beautiful side of woman. I do not really know why man are so addicted of breasts — and as a man, I acknowledged that I do like woman’s breats. I do not have any theories to explain why men like breasts; but if I relate it to more specific, it is because woman and man are meant to be a couple. So, between woman and man will fall in love each other; a woman likes to see his man where she regards him as the most handsome person; and a man also loves his girl as well as feels like any things she has are beautiful, including breasts.

For me personally, breasts are the jewellery that every woman has. Furthermore, deep inside of man’s eyes, breasts have led woman becoming more gorgeous; that is why they are called as jewellery — the highest jewellery which every woman has.

Yet, the beuaty of woman is not only breasts. And also, today I am not going to explain about breasts; I just want to share with you on how I praise woman as a symbol of beauty based on my perspective. I want to let you know that woman is the most beautiful creature that ever exists alongside the others.

Woman… to describe her beauty is not enough by only stating breasts. The beauty of woman is much deeper than those privacy body area. Personally for me, I have my own perspective in order to explain on how a woman looks beautiful not only within the eyes but also deep inside the heart.

As a man, the first thing/area that I look at woman is her face — if I go in more detail, I usually stare at her eyes. After that, I move on to look at her lips. I do not know why, but I often amaze every time staring woman’s face especially in the eyes as well as lips. For me, face is like magic; it might lead me to get a bit addict — even I ever fell in love with a girl by only staring her eyes while she wore a mask so that I was not able to see her full face — only her eyes. Yet, her eyes drove me thinking about her and later was falling in love. But, unfortunately, I failed to get her as my special girl.

The beauty of woman is also about smiling. I just love it when seeing a woman smile yet she is a bit shy to express and to show it in front of the crowded, so that she decide to cover her lips by hand. In other case, there is a shy woman who tries to be a bit confident. So, when she smiles, she is trying to expose herself more until then her teeth show up clearly; however she then covers her smile quickly by hand. Anyway, the way she does just make her looks so gorgeous.

A woman looks more elegant when she is being quiet in every situation. I am into a woman who is calmly listen to a man when he is talking; while she is just sitting in front of him, puts one of her hand to hold the chin and eyes keep looking at his eyes deeply. This kind of woman is one of the most respectful person since she puts her full attantion to listen up to those who are speaking up.

A woman could be more beautiful looked on the way how she walks. I do not know, but when she walks quietly and let herself enjoying the scenery around are something else for me. The way how she is walking step by step while her eyes are adoring the beuaty view — it is like two beauties are admiring each other; the scenery and herself.

The way how a woman talk sometimes could also lead her becoming more beautiful. Her soft voice when taling to another person could make her felt more luxurious in my eyes. I am just into a woman who is talking quietly and avoiding herself of being over-acting which are full of unnecessary things to be spoken.

She is neither laughing out loud nor talking with louder voice. She is calm when listening and talking with… those are enough to make her looks more luxurious on the way she does.

In addition, the beauty is subjective; every man has his own criteria on how he values and appreciates woman. For me, the beauty of woman is not about her body; it is also about her gesture/attitude. Personally for me, I am more intersted on a shy woman and also she is not an over-acted person. I am going to give my credit to every woman who is respecting a man in any situation. Whenever a woman is respecting the others, it makes her simply looks more beautiful. So simple.

Even though a man is a visual creature, yet he might realize that the beauty of woman is not about appearance; it is also about attitude. The better attitude she has, the more elegant she is. Appearance — in this case is body — every man could decide his own; wheter he looks woman more beautiful from face, from slim body, or even from breasts size — those are the gifts for every man’s eyes only. But the attitude is different; a simple woman may look so gorgeous in the eyes even in the deepest heart of a man.

That is why, when a man stare at a woman becuase she has beautiful face or because the size of her breasts; it does not mean a man would fall to her — it just his eyes. But when a woman has a good attitude/gesture; she know how to respect a man, it is possible that the man might fall in love with the woman since her beauty is not landing only in his eyes — it also arrives right in his heartbeat.

However, every woman in this world is beautiful on the way she is — and every good man will praise woman’s beauty on the way he does as well.

I think the sky above makes you shining bright — yet I realized that you are the reason of why the sky looks brighter.



Reza Fahlevi
Reza Fahlevi

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