The 27th means lonely
Here I am, looking the world that is faded gradually
I seek the answer for such of tragedies which came along over, and then all I found is failures.
It drives me to be at the 27th… I have grown up at this phase and keep being older as the days passed, still I confuse to be who I am.
This has been so long I trapped — act as no one. The real me has gone and never come back.
This trip has driven me to see something I never seen before, but still I can’t understand why I should watch my own tears falling down to the ground.
In front of the mirror I see myself has no more light as my dream now has sinked down deep underneath.
Behind of my shadow I can’t control the anger, it keeps saying words that I don’t want to listen of.
The 27th is meant to be a man and living alongside the scars of love.
The 27th has become the witness, I looked at my own crying with no tears but heart keeps shouting from the inside when I saw I have left for 1000 miles away behind.
No sense to live like this way.
Seems like nothing can to do without hopes.
It feels in this 27th of my age, I know this as the darkset side of my life.
Far away from my own, far away from my family, I feel so far away from my Lord… yet still I can’t recognize these all. I walk within lying.
When I wish I could hold someone’s hand… in this 27th, I’m just alone, walking the street even with no shadow, dreaming a dream with no truly dream… living my life while I’m already dead from the inside.
The pain came from love, I think I have been wrong on deciding the feeling.
Full of fears and hesitation;
Obsessing too much
Caring to the wrong person
Wondering the unnecessary
Crying for nothing
Loving yet not to be loved back
Foolish has play its role to blur anything. Sometimes I either care for no reason or careless for a reason.
The damned tragedy landed and attacked my vein. I lost the path and never I know the way to be back home.
Passing and making my own through the hardest days… I am buried alive deep under and let me feels the lonely side… no one beside, no hopes to hold, no love to feel, no dream to fulfill.
All has gone even before the 27th arrived.
I hate to see my weakest side as I hate to see me loving the wrong person repeatedly.