Save Me

Reza Fahlevi
3 min readNov 11, 2021


I’ve been in trouble, I can’t see the line and I can’t feel the path. This drags me to walk and fall… falling under.

I’ve blinded within darkness. It takes me away to be who I am, takes me away to abandon necessary.

And I don’t know why I do have to fall. I have figured it out day by day… and all I can find is worthless.

That I crossed away the sea and sailed myself far away. All I need is what I want. And what I want is never coming in.

That the sky told me to stop, stop blamming myself. But I wonder how to do it when I have nothing beside.

I’ve been in trouble… each page of my diary, I delivered words on it; drawing some colours as much as I can, sending good news under thunderstorm, telling I’m still fine though it’s a lie. But… do you realize something hidding?

Living in malicious city, they send wishes as I’d die tomorrow.They send their best to see me drowning in myself.They just pull me away to live in empty.And I wonder everything… wondering whether I deserve to be like this.

The anxiety strikes the vein, the more I act to be okay, the more I shout as I can’t hold it on. That my face shows a big fearness behind of panic attacks, and they still won’t care about it.

The ignorants engrave the other wounds only. I stand in silence, I stand and asking, I stand and feel the pain killing my serenity from the inside. I become wiser to be under the uncontrol anger, turning me being insane, whispering heart to keep hatreds within.

Wanna take my soul and save it from this frozen hell situation. I blame them to make me right. I burn the pages as the darkest past. But, still I don’t understand why.

I’ve been in trouble. Seems no more glory dusk sky showing its gorgeous hope above… seems no more early morning sending me a peaceful greeting.

And I strat conversation in front of the mirror, where I can clearly see how myself turns to be more anxious… trying fight it away. “He needs a hand to ascend the stairs… living with his truly self. Now, it has gone away.”

But, please lend me a hand from this nightmare. I need you.

Please save me… night seems dragging me to be inside of gloomy path.

Save me… to make sure I’m still alive.

I’ve tried to fix everything and it just ended useless. I’ve tried to do all I can ‘till now. But no one comes and tell me that I’m still putting myself within healthy soul.

As I fail pulling me up, I can’t rise to continue life. That days passed it through, I feel all of dreams have faded away…

Please save me… I have nothing left in the eye

Please be with me and coloring this lonely.

Just please give me a happy ending story.

In the middle of questions, I stop looking for the answers. And at 03.00 A.M, my stare has blurred in black. Under this dark moonlight, the wicked imagination is taking part of the action. I… just can’t barely recognize who I am.

This heavy seems to be a winner. Attacking me and killing the white shadow. These tragedies begin delivering evil story, darkening my prayers.

But, if you thought there is still hope that I can take, would you please save me from this tragic?

I have no more, I can’t open the eyes… this heart just has torn and ruined from the inside.





Reza Fahlevi
Reza Fahlevi

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