Need More Coffee

Reza Fahlevi
5 min readApr 13, 2024


Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

I am still trying to find the best way in order to lead myself waking up in the early morning. As a muslim, it is an obligation to have dawn prayer before taking any other activites. Yet, it could not be denied that taking some times to have dawn prayer is not that easy.

I am neither that wiseman nor a religious person. So, it is an honest thing that I feel a bit difficult to wake up in the very early morning and then continue by having dawn prayer. Well, even though at the end of the day I will certainly do it; yet, in order to lead myself to do this obligation on time — automatically — it is something that I have to train harder and much harder.

I have read some writing tips on how to wake up early in the morning without finding any obstacles such as feeling too sleepy or still getting lazy to move the body from the bed. I know that when I open my eyes from a long sleep, the first thing that I should do is to be relax and breathe slowly; it should be repeated until I feel much better and is about ready to move from the bed. And I have done this activity for some times, yet in the end, I just lead my own to go sleeping again.

Besides, I also realize that in Islam, every time a person just woke up from the sleep, the first one that she/he does is to thank Allah by saying Alhamdulillah. It is a gratitude to God that He still gives any chances for His creatures to keep on living. Not only this, a muslim even suggested to mention prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him (shalawat) after praising Allah. Certainly, he/she should do it slowly; it is not only to relax body phisically but mentally either. I have either done to be grateful to Allah by saying Alhamdulillah, and even mention Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him; however, I still lead myself to sleep again after waking up.

How it is a hard one to do; leading my own to automatically have dawn prayer is not an easy job. And I thing some people are true when they say dealing with ourselves is one of the most difficult thing to do. Some others even may say a true enemy within someone is actually himself/herself.

As a muslim, I know that postponing and keep postponing prayer time is not good — while dawn prayer actually has a very big short time. I must look for some ways to ride myself not to fall asleep again after waking up. And actually, I have some, but to deal with those are not an easy job.

However, in order to change this bad habit is not enough by reading some writing tips or having much theory within mind. The best way to change is by making a move. Now, perhaps my level is is not that equal to do those things above yet. So, I look for another way and that is about coffee.

It is really makes no sense while I am talking about how to wake up in the morning instead; yet, somehow it goes ahead to be about having coffee.

Well, having coffee is my favorite activity. I have to make sure that in a day, I should have it three times or at leats once. If I could not have it even for once, there is a possibility that my day would be so empty and worthless.

I often imagine my own having coffee in the early morning; and every time I think it, I manage to wake up in the very early morning without facing any obstacles. It is much more like a support system which leads me avoided to sleep again in the morning. And, by imagining it, I also manage to have dawn prayer on time — even I pray it at the mosque.

Perhaps, thinking of coffee is matching to my level. I may not on the same level yet to thank Allah the Almighty by saying Ahamdulillah and then continue it by shalawat to Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him; but, it does not mean I abandon to express those holy expression in all days. I keep praising Allah and Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him after praying.

Moreover, waking up in the earlier morning is a different case. I have to fight myself and make sure to defeat me not to sleep again after waking up. In order to deal with it, I realize that saying Alhamdulillah or breathe slowly to be relax is not my level yet. I need to stimulate my own so that I manage to defeat myself. And one way on how I do it is by imagining I have coffee in the early morning — this would automatically stimulate me not to sleep again and even lead me to have dawn prayer on time.

All that I want to say is; it does not matter what things that you do to lead yourself in a living, as long as those are positive, so take it and do it. We have so many positive ways to push ourselves to be on the right path. Do not let your self lost on your own. Remember, yourself sometimes could be so dangerous; he/she could be your true enemy that would ruin you from the inside gradually. Yet, some people manage to change their enemy to be friend.And if they managed it, you would certainly do it so as well.

Since it is not only about “how” — it is also about “making a single move”. Your self is your own business, and only you can guide it to whatever you want. It is the same as me — only me can decide on what place I should be in.

In the end, do not forget to have coffee. The Acehnese once said, “jep kuphi bah bek pungo” — “keep having coffee so that you’re not going to be crazy”.

Have a good day.



Reza Fahlevi
Reza Fahlevi

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