My Evil Friend

Reza Fahlevi
4 min readFeb 21, 2022


— —

He came and told the truth

All I need is the idea

All I need is serenity

Finding the way out


He came knocking the door

Brought the un-reach dreams

Which used to be dead

Dead from the inside


I was blamming the fate

As I saw no future in the front

The light seemed to be faded as well

I fought cause it was the only things I could do


My friend told me a gloomy morning

That was the reality where I had to walk on the path

Regarding myself as the wrong person

He kept me within his own rules


I broke the principle

And be in a place where he told me before

Light up a candle to survive inside the lonley cave

He covered me up from the cold with his smoke


Since ever tragic greeted from behind

It came through attacked my vein

Forcing me to live under anxiety

I hide the truth to be a silence liar


Then my friend push me up

He understands the parts that have been lost from me

Always push me to be a man

When I’m too tired becoming wiser


This friend created a black cover

I tried figuring out and realizing

The broken pieces within me

Have been drag me to be someone else

And then he said, “this is what you need”


This friend brought me the calmness

He helped me coloring the idea

So the poetries I ever wrote

Were full of hidden tears… no one can see it


My friend tries to play a trick

He tries delivering whispers

When they come and pull me down

When they come leaving the abandonment

He lands me a hand and said, “this is your cigarette… feel it because they won’t understand you, it will.”


I make friend with evil as he feels me more than them

I make dreams alive alongside him while they regard it as a fool

I walk through the life when they are drowning my wish

He tells the truth about them


And when I think I could end each part of my diary

There’s written a note within

“You have to fight to keep surviving”

Then, I understand why he becomes my evil friend

Since the first smoke entered inside of mine

He let me see the hatred

Let me feel the pain

And let me be out of my line… to be in him


Because the love that I deliver for is can’t be undrestood by her. She walked away and decided to be with a bad boy when I was right in front of her — full of my sincerity. She only gave a sign, “you are too kind for me…”.

Because my caring was meant nothing, she went passing through… looking for the other’s. When she found there was only pain she got, she said, “no one cares about me…”.

But the truth is, she abandoned anything from me just to be in the wrong hands.

My friend is a bastard

He let me hear the voices from the past

When they ignored all messages from me

He formed me to move on from the wounds


Cause I was too tired

He kept me beneath a roof

Covering me from the rainy tears


Because I’ve got tired of being kind

They betrayed me right on my face


And because I am a man

I need to be atmitted

Regarding everything is still in fine though it’s not

This friend said, “feel the wound as the scars keep remaining. You feel the past, just see it through your eyes how she left you alone with that hope… feel it, just understand it, it’s only me sense you — while they can’t, they won’t ever be.”


The smoke that he lends to me

Dragging the gloomy side to be out

I’m free to express the emotion

He brings anything I need

Creating a fiction world

When she (they) ignores me without any reasons


My friend is telling the truth

My friend is a conflict designer

Cause he showed the awfully view of them

Sets me up becoming a grudging dreamer

He manipulates friendship

Where the wrong is replaced to be right

That’s why I called him a bastard

A loyal bastard who helps me healing a deep wound within

Then he said, “this is what you want, isn’ it…”




Reza Fahlevi
Reza Fahlevi

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