
Reza Fahlevi
2 min readSep 30, 2021


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I try to seek around


I scream in the silence


No one will recall

Can someone please take me home? I wanna rest the soul from depressed.

All I can see is a blind. Blue sky seems darkening my dreams, heavy black cloud look wasting my walk. I can’t feel such serenety.

And when I think I need a help, can I shout…? so you hear — I have no more within this sigh

The hardest parts take me away to be and act as different identity of my own. I close the door and warm the body. Feeling the emotion which I can’t understand. I decide to run away but there’s no way out.

Pouring tears to my happiness. Mixing smiles to sorrow. The pain that I try to handle off, I… seem impossible to reborn myself.

More and more, I see the light is going down, leaving me a nightmare to stare the blackest from the front and the back. My eyes, can’t barely see the holy light.


Can someone please release me from this?


Please take me home.

Wondering the same questions everyday. There’s nothing have been changed. The answer that is willing to come sooner, now realizing I am in dying.

Please, bring me hopes.

I can’t control the anger, rising from the inside. Turning me to be a hater without any clearly reason. I may hurt ones, I may hurt mine, I may end it quicker.

The beauty side has been drowning, I buried prayers into the fire, left such belief to be in hell. And still wondering, who will come along tonight…


Don’t you want to deliver me a serenety letter? Greet me under baddas storm above.

Feel like hopeless…

Don’t you want to send me some daisy flowers…? perhaps its colour can turn me up.

This hopeless is red, burning away throughout my soul. I am dead in breathing.

I think I’m not okay… beneath this bad day.

Don’t you want to take me home?

Let me stop resisting, let me vanish the depressed, please lend me your hands to wash the anxiety away. I want to normalize any plots of these chapters, but… what have I become?


Deep inside, I just wanna go home in serenity

“You found nothing, seemed to be over. And you are memory of your own. Know this you’re not alone. You… won’t be.”



Reza Fahlevi
Reza Fahlevi

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