Fiction Monger
Don’t we are getting tired to talk much more longer? What I am saying, what you are believing, what they have as the assumption… we keep showing the truth based on our own.
Don’t we are getting tired to see war in many places? We want to drive all of us to be a part of self-acting, self-loving… then we create such condition to reach anything we want, without caring the others.
Hatred was born as a witness, shows us that the world is not really okay. But we just regard it as the revolution.
Tears are wetting each face, we live these days to strengthen our power and then destroy them by our move… by our words… by our emotion.
What makes us wrong is, we try to make the illusion to be a part of reality… by forcing.
The children who are trying to grow, to decide what they want to be in the future. We kill their freedom by our evil, the evil that we do believe as kindness.
We fight to give a sign who the strongest are. Somehow we forget, the teenagers are too young to be the victims, the victims of our greed.
We fight to see the disintegration, not to create such peace that we need.
Hate speech is taking part, we were born to hate the others. We were born to attack something which is not suitable.
The fire is a drama that we write its alur to each everyone’s thought. We burn by wishing love… we betray life by keeping destroying the holy nature.
That the truth is, we are weak enough…
That the truth is, we are afraid enough…
So how can we change the world to be better, while we regard diversity as the true enemy?
How can you be the saviour, while keep doing racist?
How can you lead the world when you still against the Human Rights that you’ve created?
By now, stop saying that you stand for Human Rights when you’re still stealing, assassinating, doing sexual harassment rapping the women, colonizing, destroying some lands to build your own kingdom… you are a big faker.
All of this…
We create Human Rights to hide
You create Human Rights for your own business.
Only you… only us may produce the damages in order to create a true peace and love.
We do betray this life with lies
— Breaking Reza