Enjoying Every Moment

Reza Fahlevi
6 min readAug 9, 2023


Photo Was Taken in Taman Rusa, Aceh Besar Regency

When I ride the bicycle hiking a hill; stare the green view, listen to the birds which are singing along, feel the wind… it is how I recharge my soul from the pressure.

When my soul is getting tired, cannot be focus on working, unable to sense a serenity, the feeling is in extremely uncontrolled… just one thing that can make it right — cycling.

You know what? Riding bicycle is good for health. Moreover, do it alongside friends to the hill or mountain, it can be more excited. Imagine you are so that tire after working, everything seems wrong, you want to rest the body but cannot do it since your mind keep delivering the unnecessary thoughts, even just to have a talk with family or have a cup of coffee with friends... it is still not turning up the situation to be better yet.

In that case, all you have to do is setting yourslef to rest — and take a rest does not always mean by falling asleep well. Sometimes, there is another way to set yourself become calmer and everybody has his/her own way to make it. Personally for me, I choose to reset myself by writing or cycling. These things never disapppoint me and always drive me to gain a good mood after tiring.

So this time, I will share my moments during riding bicycle with mates.

  • Visit new places

I am not a kind of person who always take a trip everytime holiday comes. So that, whenever I have free days, I certainly spend it by having coffee, write the novel or take a sleep. When I was still a kid, I always played Playstation on holiday. So there is no something special in my routinous days off and it really makes my friends think I am a boring man. Well, it is not wrong at all.

I started riding bicycle in 2013, at that time I took a journey alone and usually went to the town — all by myself. Then, in 2014, I took the trip with my cousin, Syauqi. He is an ambitious person and likes doing sport. With him, first time we rode bicycle was to Lamreh Hill, around Aceh Besar regency. That was the first time I came there and directly made up my days. Both of us felt so tired on the way, yet right after we arrived, the view vanished off our tireness. We hiked that hill and when we were on the top, we caught a beauty blue sea beneath of it.

From 2014, Syauqi and I keep riding our bicycle to some places. However, our journey has carried us away visitting new spots. That we never been there before, by cycling we take a slow trip and see how gorgeous our home is.

For us, riding bicycle is not only for health, more than this we can enjoy whatever we can see and are able to sense the nature. Anything that lead us be so exhausted, the body and mentality attacked by pressure, ears cannot hold on much more to hear the vehicles noisy… through cycling it manages to recharge our soul from those things and we become better everytime facing monday to work.

Until this time, we have been visitting any places around Aceh Besar territory throughout cycling.We look for the hill spots since those are the best place to recover from tiredness at work and from the noisy city or even from toxic people nearby.So I cansay that riding bycycle is not only good for body healthy, but it can build a great mental as well.

As every human exists is not only for working, get the salary and take a vacation trip. Sometimes, we need to bring oursleves to feel deeper about what we need instead of doing what we want. Here, I suggest every of us to do sport… let us spend for at least thrity minutes or one hour to do sport.

And whatever sport which you take is not a matter, the most important thing is do not let yourself weak at this very prime age. Your body and your soul are your responsibility.

I suggest because people nowadays especially those who are living in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, they waste too much time in the coffeeshop and too rarely take the time to do sport whenever they have some. Lack of self awareness about health has become a serious problem today; they seem strong phisically, yet not for their mentality.

So that, before it is all too late, spending some times to do sport is important. Just pursue your favorite sport and make it as your daily activity in the morning or in the afternoon. And for me, cycling is a spor that I undergo since it is not only good for my body — I know my mentality grows better in each phase I do it.

  • Meet some new friends

I have ridden bicycle with people that I never known before. Yet, throughout cycling, I meet them and now have become good friends. We often take bicycle trip every time we have times, usually on sunday.

Through this, I can say that cycling has been settling us to make friends and keep the connection even better.Though I know we should be careful every time we want to know the stragers since this day not all of people could be hospitality for us — some will take a chance to ruin us from behind.

However, I feel grateful because these people are kind, caring, welcoming and the most important is they are willing to feel each other in whatever situation during riding bicycle.

Furthurmore, having friends are good and especially for me, I can share some moments with them as well as themselves. By this connection, I am able to know more things like gaining new knowledge. Then, I can also learn something especially on how riding well on the hill; what should I do when hiking the gravel road or what thing shall to avoid in the descendant track.

“Friends can drive us to feel new family. And friends can build a strong relationship. But good friends are those who are with you in every situation. By cycling, I know how best friends are; they will not leave me behind and are willing to help anytime I need some.”

You know what? Throughout cycling, I have learnt many things; I know how to recharge myself from tiredness despite of taking asleep; and I get many good friends whom I never meet back then.

Riding bicycle to the hill or mountain, seeing trees that standing tall above, or staring the city from the very top spot, hearing the sound of birds that chanting each other, looking at the calm blue sky alongside the clouds which is passing by over my head… how I can feel the nature so well by this trip.

Sometimes, the troubles come suddenly in the middle of my trip. Yet, I am so lucky since my friends will always be ready to give their hand. In other moments, when they get a problem, I have no hasitation to help because now they and I are friends — and we build this connection through cycling.

If you ask in what way I enjoy every moment of my life, this is how I do — in that simple way. I feel the tiredness and later recharge it on my own.

So, how would you take your time to enjoy every moment of your life? Whatever you do, I just wish the best.

Oh, one more… beside of cycling… actually taking my time to write a story is a part of recharging myself as well.

“There are many ways to enjoy this life even under the pressure. So do not let yourself attacked by the depression… do not ever let the gloomy side controlling your mind and your soul which could lead your body becomes weak. Do something to make it feels right, and one of these are by doing sport.”

Let’s enjoy this life… we will be better each day in each step.




Reza Fahlevi
Reza Fahlevi

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