All Alone
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Take a flower on the ground and see how it fades from the eyes
Take a breath deeply and feel how you are getting tired for being patient
And take the light from the stars above, know that your dead soul will be alive
This is a scar of witness
This is the lost of keeping the hopes
This is a dream that could never be real
As your empty chair still won’t speak up
As your desires never coming in
To live in a lonely town; no crowded, no voices, there is no smile — all alone
So take yourself from wicked side, ‘cause the mind can’t hold on for much more longer
Stay away from danger… away from 00 Empt Street. You found nothing
And keep the prayers flying high in the middle of serene night
You are a broken who is still fighting day to be remembered
And if tomorrow you’ll get the answer, tell me that you won’t cry out loud
If the truth against the serenity, tell me how you’d stop the screaming…
They love your broken soul
They care your tears
But still they abandon you alone because there’s no one care
All alone
You’re becoming alone again
This is darker than you know
This is the reality to be believing for
In the end…
You keep in silence
You keep asking… and just won’t accept the truth
“Why do I become like this?”