
The End of Your Life Journey

Reza Fahlevi
3 min readJan 2, 2021

Photo captured by: Wiranda Sari

“So, what if you never woke up anymore? Lying lifeless in your tight sleep. And what if, I passed by from you forever? Left you behind to welcome to the afterlife…”

Suddenly, Danny wakes up. Sweat is wetting his body. It’s still 3.00 a.m, but nightmare scares him, can’t drive him to fall asleep again. He is in confuse, as the questions come and stuck in his head, wondering of his dream. What’s happening?

So, he turns up the laptop and drag himself to the ‘type’ page. He tries to fill his dream there. Then, he starts typing of any tragedies, scenes, and every thing that he saw in his dream. For him, it was really tragic, too dark but full of messages. Yes, he realizes it a bit.

This has been five times since his first nightmare. Of those dreams, he felt many different sides and experiences. But what makes him wonder is, these dreams are like a sign… whether a good sign or not, he’s still wondering until now. However, he can’t make himself in calm again, as something has come through to his life by now.

Talking his nightmare, once he saw himself was in a car accident when accidentally he hit a train which crossed away the road. While Danny had no chance to brake down his car, crahsed and died immediately.

The other night, right a week after his first tragic dream, another one came into his tight sleep. There, an unknown man killed Danny by a knife, shred and stabbed his body wildly. And when he was dying, the murderer took out Danny’s heart, ate it like an animal. While Danny, lied down on the floor in his house… no more heartbeat… dead!

And the last was last night, he dreamed about the unreal situation and condition. Too weird, too confusing, too questioning that what this dream was about. In there, Danny watched his weak body lied in the coffin with the shroud wrapped up him. Everyone swarmed his dead body, crying and praying.

In seconds, he turned to another place where it full of lights. No one there except him alone. He walked passing through and found out a bench… a long bench. Suddenly, an old man showed up and sat on it, looked at him as well. He stopped but no any greetings. Then, that old man waved his hand in smiling, as if he was welcoming Danny. After that, the old man turned up to a smoke and disappeared from him. A cold wind came accomponied Danny. His eyes, looked at the endless whites, gradually drove him to feel peaceness that he never been in for the whole of his life.

But then, another second later, without his realizing, Danny was in a horrible place. The aura of burning really brought him to feel gruesome side. Screaming, shouting, crying, begging and other voices, came through his ears. And when his one time blinked eyes, Danny truly saw what nightmare was — punishing— was what his eyes captured right where he stood to see those. People were being in living fire — tied, chained by the iron, dragged away by the odd creature, burnt alive into fire — this was like Danny in a hell. Of all that were happening there, absolutely didn’t make sense at all. Then suddenly, an unkown black man with the scary face, stood right in front of Danny and said,

“Be ready, your turn has about right to punish for what you’ve done during your whole life…”

Afterwards, that man dragged Danny to the fire and let him burnt there.

In that second, Danny woke up from his sleep and got released from that tragic nightmare.

Danny’s dreams have rode him to realize something. Those are more look like a sign, sign for him that his life will over soon. But the tragedies which were seen in those dreams keep trapping him. His days no more longer the same, slowly drive him to be insane of his fate.

It could be an end is really nearby. While Danny should have known that the hourglass never stop walking step back to bring him closer facing his death. And when its time come, no, he’s definetely can’t run away from it to be to the afterlife.



Reza Fahlevi
Reza Fahlevi

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