A Part Story of Jack
Part 1: It was almost
Cover by: Breaking Reza
“Trying to seek a rose in the silence road. I could find you anytime if you keep mine in yours. And then, let it be for whatever happens next. I will tell you mine when I almost washed it away”
Jack is a student and an amateur photographer (soon). Everyday he trips any roads to find out a good object. Capturing everything that is wonderful for him. Sometimes he thought, “am I a good photographer at all?”
One day in school (Teuku Umar Senior High School), when it was breaktime, Jack walked through to the canteen and ordered fried rice. He rarely had breakfast at home because every morning, he woke up late that made him in hurry. Late for praying Subuh, late for taking a bath, or late of dressing. Perhaps, he was an absolutely kind of late person.
And when the time pointed at 10.00 a.m, Jack knew he was already got badly hungry. No more concetration during in the classroom, all the lessons looked useless to be listened up to. So the best way was, he would close the book and started to sleep. And it commonly happened, but any teachers never realized that he fell asleep. Like, God is trying to save a hungry student from the pain (hungry). Hmmm… who would’ve known that already?
Back to canteen. There, while Jack enjoyed a plate of fried rice, suddenly his eyes acidentally got stucked. Looked deeply to a wonderful view, Amira. Well yes, it was absolutely awesome scenery. Driving him in, entering his imagination side to fly high in the sky alongside the birds.
“Is she an angel…? Please tell me she’s not. Someone please…” Jack started to talk to himself.
Amira was at canteen, bought a drink then passed by to her class again. It was five minutes, but more than enough to make Jack stop eating for a while, however.
Kriiing kriiing…
Time to be back at the class. All students looked in hurry. Even Robert, a second grade student, just ordered a milkshake. Right after fifteen seconds he took a seat, a bell rang, forced himself to drink it faster… rapidly. And a plate of Siomay that he just also booked, had to be canceled. This because some teachers were known as ruthless. Whoever came late to the class after that rang, he/she will be punished. Too on time, too procedural, too many rules. At the end, it was too boring for some students.
01.45 p.m
The class has done. Jack went passed through classrooms. Sometimes he saw each gradually, not sure why he did so. Maybe to make sure if Amira still in the class. Or it was just his naughty eye.
Right from the gate of that school, he saw Amira over the street. Beneath of a big shady tree, she stood there, talking with her friends. In some seconds, Jack quickly took his camera inside the ransel, just to capture that girl.
And why not? He thought…
Her smile really entered him to his truly imagination. There, he imagined Amira was really right next to him. Then started to talk the unnecesaary things as long as they wanted. Holding her hand tightly, smiling each other.
“Amira, You’re so beautiful. Would you mind if I keep your smile for me? What if I say I love you? Would you accept it? But I’m sure you will…”
“Yes Jack. I love you to the moon and back…”
“Oh God, now she’s already mine. No one can take her from me. No one. There is no one!!!”
Well, Jack was really float off in his own world. In fact, he was still standing away from her, didn’t move for only one inch. Even, he forgot to shoot a picture. He dissolved within his own fantasy.
Some minutes to go, a cool man named Mike, came over Amira and her friends. He rode a sport bike. Looked cooler with his black helmet which had 46 sticker right on the forehead of it, not too big but it wasn’t tiny neither. More elegant he was to wear full black leather jacket. The blue sneakers in his legs were enough to draw him as a fashonable person. Too much styles to show it in front of the girls. Well… yes he was.
Then Mike was letting Amira came alongside. He picked her up to his bike, rode it through leaving her friends, and of course Jack as well.
Well Jack seemed that he couldn’t believe this. Mike and Amira passed by together? Really? How it could be? However, it happened right through his two eyes. Yes he saw it. And suddenly, his hands got badly to be shaky. Hard, even harder. The sweat was wetting his face and the whole of his school uniform.
“Amira… you and him… seriously?”
Now questioning of the tragedy. Too many ‘why’ within his mind. Too many disundertand around. Anyway, he just couldn’t accept that when he saw them went through happily. How he had wasting time when he imagined Amira to be his girlfriend. That the reality was, he should not do so in minutes. Poor man…
Afterward, Jack went home. He felt so blank, couldn’t control his mind which gradually made him getting a heavy dizzy. He walked faster to his house. Without looking left-right side. Kept walking through straight. His eyes now truly turned to be empty.
Arrived at home, Jack took off that school uniform, and dressed off a green t-shirt with a Spongebob sketch in the middle of it. Wearing short purple pants, then laid down on his bed and started to fall asleep. Jack wanted to forget anything happened between Amira, Mike, and him. Since, tomorrow he should go back to the school again.
to be continued…