30 Days Writing Challenge

Reza Fahlevi
5 min readAug 8, 2021


As a person, I am not a kind of man to write any of myself. Though it can’t be denied that some of my writings like poems and short stories are based on my own experience. This “30 Days Writing Challange” is new for me. However, I am interested to be a part of this writing type.

Moreover, I will not get any activities during these some upcoming days, since I was diagnosed that my smelling and the sense of food/drinks in my tounge have disappeared. It forces me to stay at home within some days. In order to make my daily life keep in positive side, I need to work and this challange could bring up my mind to keep working as always rather just to spend time by checking my Instagram timeline, watching some videos on Youtube, or playing drum game in my phone.

This “30 Days Writing Challenge” will be started by today. Hopefully you guys could enjoy my writing. As you know, I am not kind of writer just to write anything in unbenefit things. I want my writing could be as life lesson, motivation, a part of well things to live this life, etc; for the readers whoever you are.

Day 1

Describe my personality

Hello again, I am Reza Fahlevi, a 25 year old guy who is teaching English lesson at school (dayah/pesantren). I also regard myself as a writer because this is my hobby since I was at Junior High School. I dream of one day I could publish a book of my own writing style. 😁

Talking about my personality, some people say I am a silent man especially for girls regard me as a less guy talker. Some others say I am a shy person. Even the others state that I am such a funny young man, however, many of them tell that I am a boring guy as well.

All of those opinion, persumption, assumption, statements, or whatever that, yeah I can’t tell them that those are incorrect.

There are some times I become a less talker, some other time I begin a long conversation with some friends. Laughing, making a joke and so forth.

It just, I still wonder, am I really a silent person as they recognize me? The truth is, perhaps I am a bit introvert guy who makes me sometimes need more time to be close to other people. They who met me for the first time, I can’t bring myself to start everything like talking too much, asking them about their life, or wishing getting their privacy to make me know who they truly are.

When I see a guy for the first time, all I can do is I will tel him/her my name if she is my new classmate, partner at work, or my teacher or even my lecturer. I will tell them if they ask. The conversation often start and end in a short way. However, I need time to see whether she/he will be match to me or not. If she/he is not mind to, slowly I will spend much more time with her/him than before I did.

But, I may talk active to those who are close to me. Like close friend. In this case, I recognize my friends and they do as well. I know what such conversation may to be talked, I do understand what kind of joke which I may tell them, and they do as well.

If there are some say that I am a boring young man, I can’t deny this too. I don’t really know what does “boring” mean for some people. If they see me at the same coffee shop with a cup of hot coffee, smoking and writing or reading something in my phone and… almost everyday doing those, they regard me as a boring man based on my daily activity.

If I rejected my friend’s invitation to join them having a holiday at the beach, hiking mountain, ride the bike to somewhere, or cycling on sunday… probably they regard me as a boring man based on things that I do not up to.

Personally, I like spending time to somewhere; cycling, hiking, swimming though I can’t swim, having holiday with friends. However, I will reject all of them if I feel it’s not the time to do those all in a daylong or in weeks. I decide to stay at home or having coffee though alone, or even cycling alone to a beach.

Me time. I do need it somehow. But, it doesn’t mean I don’t like to spend time with the others. For me, there is the right time to spend with them when I think, “this time to go with my friends along day…”. Then I’ll go.

The point is, I am a man who likes alone, but also likes togetherness. All I need is time when I need to be alone, and time when I know this is the best day to spend with friends.

And about silent man, I only try to be who I am. I try to appreciate, respect, even understand the people whom I meet for the first time. By avoiding to ask something unimportant, or holding myself of looking for about their privacy, I try to come by their side with good attitude and personality. I need to keep my own identity by respecting them as much as I can. This because I want other people do the same thing to me.

With my close friends, sometimes I share jokes, laugh aloud together. I’m just trying to live my life by happiness. I know me, even people over there have such our own problems of life. I try my best to entertain myself from sorrow or pain. But I know, to let me feel happy, it’s not that enough to entertain myself only. So that, I try to laugh with them, by laughing together, I recover them and myself from any problems we face. Though it’s only a little.

I am a man who is trying to care to each other. I act as if I’m full of joy, instead of showing them my whole life’s problems. I act like I am strong, instead of showing them I am weak. But, I only act to be my own self. When they regard me as whatever they see through me, yeah I can’t tell those are incorrect. Anyway, they have seen it.

I try to be quite when I know sometimes I feel so anxious and afraid of some things. I try to be laughter when I know I have cried for so long. And I try to be strong when I know my strength is not that enough to cover my weak side.

However, you will recognize me well when you interact with me within days or more. You will regard me as “this” if you talk with me through social media. And you will regard me as “that” when you see me in the real life. Regarding this or that, you make a valuation. But the reason why I become to this and that, only me can understand the secret. 😁

Thank you and I hope this would be useful for you guys…

See you on another step of this challange



Reza Fahlevi
Reza Fahlevi

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